A Blessed Home (Part 2)

A Blessed Home (Part 2)


The best of all firstfruits of any kind, and every sacrifice of any kind from all your sacrifices, shall be the priest’s; also you shall give to the priest the first of your ground meal, to cause a blessing to rest on your house(Ezekiel 44:30)


Part 1 focussed on giving which helps to prevent selfishness, and can turn the curse into a blessing. It challenged those who receive to become givers too. This next part shows how honouring God and giving to Him first, releases that blessing on our home.

  • Giving to God is a step of faith‘the first of your ground meal’

It is really saying, “I have more than enough living on the rest!” First is an important principle with God. ‘Seek first the kingdom of God’ (Matthew 6:33). Our text says, ‘Give to the priest (God) the first’. It also says, ‘Give the best’.

Tithing is giving God a tenth of what we receive as income. It is not ending the week and seeing what we have left to put in the offering. It is starting the week and giving God the tenth first. Then believing God will take care of any shortfall caused by honouring Him with our finance.

God promises when we honour Him in this way, He will open the windows of heaven and pour out a blessing. 1 I want the blessing to be poured out on me and my home but that will only take place if I do the first thing and give my tithe.

  • Giving God His portion first works!

1 Kings 17:8-16 records the account when Elijah stayed with the widow at Zarephath. God told Elijah He had commanded a widow to provide for him while he was in hiding from King Ahab. I am sure Elijah thought she would be rich, a welcome relief from his time at the Brook Cherith. His heart would have sunk when he saw someone picking up sticks and God said, “That’s the one!”

Elijah asked her for some water and a piece of bread. When she replied that she only had enough for one last meal for her and her son, it looked like Elijah had chosen the wrong house! Note carefully what Elijah said, ‘Prepare the meal but make me a small cake from it first. How could Elijah be so thoughtless and heartless? In fact quite the opposite! He wanted a blessing to come on her home.

He went on to say, ‘The bin of flour shall not be used up, not shall the jar of oil run dry, until the day the Lord sends rain’. The widow had a choice. Refuse to share and starve or give to God (Elijah) and live. Who would she believe? Would she give God His portion first?

Thank God she chose to believe the man of God. The flour was not used up nor did the jar of oil run dry all the time Elijah stayed with her. There was an added blessing. Her son fell ill and died, but Elijah prayed and raised him from the dead.

All this happened because the widow gave to God first! God can do the same for us. The blessing can come in many different ways. It may be financial, physical or something else. The giving is our responsibility, the blessing is God’s and He knows just what we need and are longing for!

  • Giving helps support the church we are a member of

God chose the priesthood to minister to Him on behalf of God’s people, who were commanded to support the priests and Levites with their tithes and offerings.

Today, God calls leaders to give themselves to prayer, the ministry of the Word and evangelism. His word is so clear. ‘Those who preach the gospel shall live from the gospel’ (1 Corinthians 9:14). They are to be free from secular employment in order to give themselves fully to the work of God. Such ministers are to be supported by the members of the church they are responsible for.

Funding the local church, its ministry team and running costs, is first and foremost the responsibility of its members. If they are faithful with their tithes and offerings, God will ensure every bill is paid and the leadership are able to continue in the ministry God has called them to, without having to resort back into secular employment. It will also help prevent churches from looking to the world when wanting to raise funds.

God says, “Put Me to the test!” The only time He says this, is in regard to giving tithes and offerings. Will you put Him first? Take a step of faith. You will not regret it when you experience God’s blessing on your home.


1 Malachi 3:8-10

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