


‘But generous people plan to do what is generous’ – Isaiah 38:8 (New Living Translation)


It is very difficult to understand why Christians are mean and unwilling to tithe their income. They certainly don’t reflect the God who saved them. God is love and love gives! 1

Jenny was sharing with me some things she wanted to do to bless others. I was cautioning against it, knowing the amount of extra work it would involve. The Lord reminded me, because Jenny’s a generous person, she was just finding new ways to be generous and a blessing, and if she did it, He would take care of the extra time and energy needed to do just that!

So what can we learn from being generous?

  • Being generous helps to counteract selfishness

“I” trouble is so prevalent today. “I want” fuels many a selfish lifestyle. Whether it’s the latest invention or what the neighbours have. “What about me, my rights, my needs?” has plagued many a church into pandering to the needs of the few in the congregation instead of challenging them to do the will of God!

When you are generous you automatically think less about getting and more about giving.

  • Being generous is possible even when you have little or no money

Christians have told me that when they earn more money, then they will be able to start giving their tithe. Not always true. Finding it difficult to give a smaller amount now usually means it’s much harder to give a larger amount later. Generosity is a heart condition and always starts with what you have now.

How much does a smile cost to give? Yet it can be worth its weight in gold to the hard-pressed shop assistant serving you. Jesus talked about giving a cup of cold water to someone who’s thirsty. 2

It won’t take you long to think of many ways you can bless others at no cost to yourself other than your time and effort.

  • Generous people will be rewarded although they don’t do it looking for a reward

Jesus taught that those who give to be seen have their reward. They are seen, but that’s all that they get! 3 However, the confirmation that the generous will be rewarded is quite clear in the Bible. The following references confirm this.

‘The generous man [is a source of blessing and] shall be prosperous and enriched, and he who waters will himself be watered [reaping the generosity he has sown].’ 4

‘Give to others, and God will give to you. Indeed, you will receive a full measure, a generous helping, poured into your hands—all that you can hold. The measure you use for others is the one that God will use for you.’ 5

‘Give your gifts in private, and your Father, who sees everything, will reward you.’ 6

We can’t out-give God, nor avoid His blessings on our generosity, for they will overtake us! 7

  • Generous Christians help to preserve the life of the church they attend

God intends the church to have all the resources it needs. That’s why we are commanded to bring all the tithes into the church we attend. 8 Unfortunately many churches resort to appealing to the world, asking for their help and funding through bring and buy stalls, raffles, auctions etc. All this reflects badly on the church’s image and creates the impression that God doesn’t have any money, when in reality He says, ‘All the silver and the gold is Mine.’ 9

If ministers would faithfully teach tithing (the giving of at least 10% of one’s income), they would then see that most of the church’s financial needs are being met from within their congregation. Whatever the vision is, don’t look outside of the church to the world, but look within and see God touch generous hearts to release more than enough. This is one reason why evangelism is so important, for it brings new people into the church, who will in turn financially help to support its future.

  • Are you a Giver?

Stop for a moment and consider where your money goes each week. Taxes, food, fuel, clothing, heating, holidays, mortgage etc. But how much of it does God get? Are you a tither? Are you a generous Christian who gives offerings on top of your tithing?

If not, then this is my challenge to you today. Repent of robbing God and making it harder for your church to fulfil its vision. Determine to give God your tithe and then see how He will open the windows of heaven and pour out His blessings on your life. 10 All it takes is a generous heart!

Finally I end with God’s wonderful promise to all true givers.

‘Everyone must make up his own mind as to how much he should give. Don’t force anyone to give more than he really wants to, for cheerful givers are the ones God prizes. God is able to make it up to you by giving you everything you need and more so that there will not only be enough for your own needs but plenty left over to give joyfully to others.’ 11


1 – John 3:16               2 – Matthew 10:42                  3 – Matthew 6:1-2

4 – Proverbs 11:25 Amplified Bible                             5 – Luke 6:38 Good News Translation

6 – Matthew 6:4 New Living Translation                  7 – Deuteronomy 28:2

8 – Malachi 3:10         9 – Haggai 2:8                         10 – Malachi 3:10-12 NLT

11 – 2 Corinthians 9:7-8 The Living Bible

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