Give careful thought to your ways!

Give careful thought to your ways!


‘This is what the Lord Almighty says, “Give careful thought to your ways”– Haggai 1:7


The Easter Good News is that there is absolutely nothing we have to pay to be saved. It is beyond man’s ability to come up with a price for salvation. This is freely given by a loving God in order that anyone and everyone can be saved. Jesus taught, “What will a man give in exchange for his soul?” If he gained the whole world it would still not be enough. How sad that people try to offer their wealth and good works to the God who offers us His Son. Easter is all about the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ and how through that sacrificial act we could receive eternal life. Whilst money cannot buy our way into heaven, God is deeply interested in what we do with it on earth once we become a Christian.

  • The work of God is hindered through lack of money

This is true all over the world. Many a bride wanting the picturesque setting of a church wedding, has not the slightest intention of attending that church regularly and giving to help ensure its survival. The majority of UK churches are feeling financial pressures, yet this should not be so if those attending are committed to tithe regularly.

  • A poor church is a bad reflection of our rich God

God says, ‘The silver and the gold is mine’ – Haggai 2:8. ‘The earth is the Lord’s and all its fullness’ – Psalm 24:1. Jumble sales, coffee mornings and bring and buy sales are some of the world’s ways to raise money. This is not to be the method of the church. Why would anyone want to join a church that cannot pay its bills?

  • Many Christians wrongly prioritise other things ahead of giving to God

The prophet Haggai rebuked God’s people for wanting to furnish their own homes but did not want to complete the rebuilding of the temple. I have always tried to ensure that my giving to God is my first priority. I am concerned when Christians are quick to tell others what they have bought, but have nothing left to give in the church offering. Give careful thought to your ways!

  • Poverty is no excuse not to be a giver

The Bible records those who gave even though poor. Some were complimented for their actions and others received great answers to prayer. These are a few to study:

  • Widow – Luke 21:1-4

She never dreamt that those two tiny coins would have been noticed by Jesus or recorded to inspire future generations.

  • Widow of Zarephath – 1 Kings 17:8-16

Her willingness to give her last meal to Elijah meant there was a miraculous supply of oil and meal until the rain came again

  • Widow and Elisha – 2 Kings 4:1-7

It was the faithfulness of her late husband in honouring God that brought about this miracle of provision that cleared all her debts and saved her sons from a life of slavery.

  • Macedonian Christians – 2 Corinthians 8:1-7

Their poverty did not stop them giving to support the poor in Jerusalem. No wonder Paul praised their generosity.

Many a Christian has seen their financial situation improve because they started honouring God with their giving. Jesus taught, ‘Give and it will be given to you’ – Luke 6:38. ‘It is possible to give away and become richer! It is also possible to hold on too tightly and lose everything. Yes, the liberal man shall be rich! By watering others, he waters himself’ – Proverbs 11:24.

  • The first goal of every Christian is to at least tithe their income

Whether that is on gross or net income can be decided later as they grow in faith. Start seeing the tithe as God’s money and be determined to bring in the full tithe each week to your local church, including the weeks you are unable to be there. Do not rob God, but put God to the test and see that even in the realm of money God is faithful to provide for those who are faithful givers to His work – Malachi 3:8-12. It is interesting that in Genesis, the first book of the Old Testament, both Abraham and Jacob honour God by tithing as a step of faith. However, in the last book, Malachi, God rebukes His people for robbing Him by not bringing in their tithes.

Ask yourself this question. Am I hindering my church? Am I making it harder for my church to pay its way and support its ministers? Is my church holding back from evangelising because I and others are not giving?

Haggai prophesied, ‘From this day forward I will bless you’ – 2:19. This promise is for you too. Be determined that from the next Sunday you attend church, you will have your tithes and offerings with you. Then see the blessing of God on your giving.

Give careful thought to your ways!

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