God-Appointed Meetings

God-Appointed Meetings


‘A woman of Samaria came to draw water. Jesus said to her, “Give me a drink.”’ – John 4:7


The Biblical account of Jesus meeting this woman at Jacob’s well is so interesting. The narrative records Jesus wanting to leave Judea and return to Galilee. It states, ‘He needed to go through Samaria.’ 1 Actually it would have been safer to have avoided the area because of hostility between the Jews and Samaritans. But Jesus being led by the Holy Spirit took that route and it resulted in a God-appointed meeting. The same can happen to us if we are led by the Spirit.

  • Rest‘Jesus, being wearied from His journey, sat by the well’

Jesus was unique as God in a human body. He physically experienced things that we do. He was hungry, 2 weary from the demands of the ministry and travel, 3 thirsty, 4  and wept. 5 Always remember Jesus understands when we go through similar experiences. 6

  • Request‘Give me a drink’

Surprisingly this woman comes alone at the hottest part of the day to draw water. She was astonished that Jesus, a Jew would ask her, a Samaritan for a drink. Jesus responded by talking about living water which aroused her curiosity, if only from purely selfish motives.

  • Revelation ‘Go, call your husband and come here’

The command to fetch her husband seemed harmless enough, especially when she replied she did not have one. What Jesus said next must have hit her like a thunderbolt! ‘You have had five husbands and the one whom you now have is not your husband.’ This implies he was someone else’s husband or that they had not married. Either way it was wrong in God’s eyes. Startled by this the woman replied, ‘I perceive you are a prophet.’ How would we feel if a complete stranger started telling us things about our life that they could not possibly know? Why didn’t Jesus launch into a tirade about unrighteous lifestyles? His goal was not to expose sin but to reveal that however great a person’s sin was, it could be forgiven and forgotten! Preachers would do well to imitate this!

  • Religion ‘Our fathers worshipped on this mountain, and you Jews say that in Jerusalem is the place where one ought to worship’

Perhaps she wanted to change the subject or maybe she really was confused about religion. After all, most religions claim they are right and the only way to God. Jesus was not fazed by her comments, focussing instead on an aspect of God she had never considered. ‘God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.’ She even believed in a coming Messiah but was staggered to learn that was that person.

  • Response‘Come, see a man who told me all things that I ever did. Could this be the Christ?’

The disciples returned from their errand to buy food and were amazed to find Jesus and this woman in deep conversation. Forgetting her original purpose for coming to the well, she left her water pot and headed off home. She could not stop telling everyone she met what had happened. Their response was to come and see too. If we are enthusiastic enough about our encounter with Jesus, sooner or later someone is going to believe it and want to become a Christian!

  • Remained ‘They urged Him to stay with them, and He stayed there’

Many Samaritans came to meet Jesus swayed by what the woman had told them. They persuaded Jesus to stay with them a little longer. It’s wonderful to put our trust in a God who wants to remain with us. ‘I will never leave you nor forsake you’ 7 is His promise. Jesus will always stay where He is made welcome, but will not hang around if people do not want Him. He will be off to find someone who does!

  • Reassurance ‘Now we believe …. and we know that this is indeed the Christ, the Saviour of the world’

Hearing Jesus themselves, faith rose in the Samaritans’ hearts that Jesus really was the Messiah. We cannot live the Christian life on someone else’s faith. We need to know God personally. Children are to be brought up in the ways of the Lord, but that alone will not get them into heaven. They have to make their own decision once they can understand.

  • Recognition‘Others have laboured, and you have entered into their labours’

Amazed at this great response, Jesus reminded the disciples that someone else had done the preparatory work. They were merely the reapers, for others had sown the seed. Both would be rewarded for their labours. If you are continually witnessing about Jesus, but have not seen any tangible results yet, cheer up! The reapers are coming and your labours will not be in vain or forgotten.

In closing, do you know Jesus as your personal Saviour? He knows everything about you, for nothing is hidden from God’s eyes. Yet He wants you to be saved and not suffer the punishment for sin. Right now pray, “Lord Jesus, thank you for dying on the cross for my sin. I receive Your gift of forgiveness and new life. Come into my life and help me to live for You from this moment on.”

If you have said this prayer for the very first time, write and let me know and I will help you to find a good Bible-believing church where you can be looked after spiritually and grow as a Christian.


1 – John 4:4                 2 – Matthew 4:2, 21:18                       3 – Mark 4:35, John 4:6

4 – John 19:29             5 – John 11:35             6 – Hebrews 4:15        7 – Hebrews 13:5

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