My Provider

My Provider


‘Abraham called the name of the place, The Lord will provide; as it is said to this day, “In the mount of the Lord it shall be provided.”’ – Genesis 22:14


One of God’s covenant names is Jehovah-Jireh. The One who provides! This name has been a revelation and blessing to countless thousands of Christians down through the ages, who have witnessed God’s miraculous provision in times of great need.

It has also been the subject of sermons advocating a prosperity where God can step in and change our finances and fortune. As most people do not live within their means but are usually over-stretched by debt repayments, the promise of a God who will provide sounds almost too good to be true! A God who will always pick up the tab whatever our lifestyle, is somewhat at variance with the truth the Holy Spirit showed me when reading this verse. So what can we learn that will help us?

  • It is in the Mount of the Lord that miraculous provision occursIn the mount of the Lord it shall be provided’

All too often people want God to come into their world and do a miracle, but God wants us to come into His world and the first step is called repentance.

  • Miraculous provision comes to those who are willing to hear when God speaks

In this passage, three times Abraham answers, “Here I am,” when spoken to by God, Isaac and the Angel of the Lord. Jesus promised, “My sheep hear My voice.” 1 What God wants to hear as a response from us is, “Here I am!” It took time for Samuel to recognise God’s voice, for he thought it was Eli calling.2 Reading the Bible every day is a great way to allow God to speak to you. Learn to recognise the promptings of the Holy Spirit as He reveals Biblical truth to you and guides you in the way you should go.

  • Miraculous provision comes to those who are obedient to do the will of God

Abraham had opportunity to disobey several times and who would have blamed him. Firstly, when God asked him to sacrifice his son, no protests but a firm faith that all things would work together for good. Secondly, during the 3 day journey. Tiredness often lowers our resistance to temptation. Thirdly when Isaac asked, “We have got everything but the lamb.” Abraham could have easily turned back then, yet his response revealed his faith, “God will provide!” Lastly, as he lifted the knife to strike his son. He did not hold back, for he believed that God would raise his son back to life again. He had even told his servants earlier that both he and his son would return after sacrificing. Sometimes obedience will take all the strength that we have to do it, but it will always be worth it in the end.

  • Miraculous provision comes to those who are willing to give everything, even the thing that is most precious in their life

Abraham had waited 100 years for a son, the product of divine promise and intervention. Yet God said, “Sacrifice him to Me.” How hard it is to give that which is most precious. The Rich Young Ruler turned back from the test of giving everything away and following Jesus, for he had great possessions.3 God the Father did not hold back from giving His Son, although He could not bear to look at Him dying on the cross, for darkness covered the land.

Abraham looked behind him and saw the ram caught by its horns in the bushes. Here was God’s provision but he only saw it after he had been willing to give.

This is so true when Christians are challenged about tithing. They first have to give in faith, then as they turn around they will see miraculous provision as God opens the windows of heaven and pours out His blessing.4

  • Miraculous provision will bless the lives of others

Our obedience often has far-reaching effects. Abraham was told that his descendants would multiply greatly (one would become millions) and through his seed all the nations of the earth would be blessed. What amazing repercussions to one man’s obedience.

Read the whole account of this miracle in Genesis 22:1-19. Then ask the Holy Spirit to help you to put the above principles into practice. You will never regret doing so.

1 – John 10:27             2 – 1 Samuel 3:1-10                3 – Mark 10:17-22      4 – Malachi 3:10

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