Need A Miracle?

Need A Miracle?


‘Now a leper came to Him, imploring Him, kneeling down to Him and saying to Him, “If You are willing, You can make me clean”’ – Mark 1:40


Life’s difficulties, often result in us needing a miracle, either for ourselves or someone dear to us, whether family or friend. It can be so distressing watching them deteriorate, helpless to do anything about it. Whilst we may not have the ability to cause them to recover, there is someone who does! Jesus said, ‘The things which are impossible with men, are possible with God.’ 1 As we consider this miracle, remind yourself that what He did for this man, He can do for you. There are, however, some key points for consideration.


‘Now a leper’. Luke’s gospel records him as ‘full of leprosy’. 2Not an odd finger or two missing, but riddled with this dreadful, incurable disease. Excluded from society, he faced a slow, painful, certain death, with no medical relief or cure.


‘Came to Him’ (Jesus). Who are you going to in your hour of need? We put our faith in doctors, surgeons, pastors, evangelists and faith-healers. But in all honesty, none of them can heal, although they’ll do their best, bringing comfort and relief in whatever way they can. Have you headed in the direction of Jesus yet? He says, ‘Come to Me’.3


‘Imploring Him.’ We can sense the urgency, intensity, passion and tears. He put everything into this prayer. He was desperate for an answer. Jesus told men to pray and not give up. 4It’s all too easy to stop praying when the answer’s a long-time coming. The Bible lists many people who refused to give up and eventually got the miracle they needed.


‘Kneeling down.’ He knelt down in the dust before the One he had such faith in. God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble.’ 5 ‘Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God.’ 6Are we prepared to get our knees dirty through humility? When we recognise Jesus as Lord, we will have no trouble bending the knee. Kneeling makes it difficult to do anything else. We’re really saying, “Jesus, I can’t do anything, but You can!


‘If you are willing, you can make me clean.’ I know you can do it! Do You want to? Does the gospel include me? Sometimes, we’re not sure if God’s promises of the past include us today. Maybe the sins we’ve committed make us think we’re beyond God’s help. It’s one thing to ask God a question, but don’t end up questioning God! 


‘I am willing; be cleansed.’ Jesus settled it there and then, for all generations. He is willing and He is able. He hasn’t rescinded this promise, for a short while later He sends out the 12 Apostles with the express command to, ‘Heal the lepers.’ 7 As proof of His willingness and ability, ‘immediately the leprosy left him’. Hallelujah! And He can do the same for you.


This miracle has a sad ending. After being told to keep quiet as to how he had been healed, the man immediately went out and did the opposite. As a result, Jesus couldn’t travel about freely as He wanted to, preaching, teaching and healing the people.  How many times have we knelt in submission, only to get up and immediately do the opposite God wanted us to do. One would have thought his thankfulness for being healed would have made him so careful to do what Jesus said, in case the leprosy returned. God doesn’t demand perfection, just obedience. Let’s make sure our response makes it easier for Jesus to heal someone else, not harder!


Some will read this teaching and immediately dismiss it as fanciful. Others will ignore it, having been wrongly taught that God doesn’t heal today. But as you are facing your great hour of need, what have you to lose? Why not come to Jesus and ask Him to help and heal you? Remind Him that as He healed this leper, He made a promise to help and heal you too. Humble yourself by kneeling down, if possible, and cry out to Him in prayer. He will hear it and respond to it, in the way that only He can. Write and tell us about what God has done in your life as a result of Today’s Teaching.


1 – Mark 10:27

2 – Luke 5:12

3 – Matthew 11:28

4 – Luke 18:1

5 – 1 Peter 5:5

6 – 1 Peter 5:6

7 – Matthew 10:10

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