


This dear woman, a daughter of Abraham, has been held in bondage by Satan for eighteen years. Isn’t it right that she be released, even on the Sabbath?’ – Luke 13:16 NLT


Only Luke’s gospel records the miracle of this woman being healed (13:10-17) but that does not lessen its significance. It gives a sobering insight into how Satan and religion work in opposition to the Christianity that God wants every person to enjoy. We will consider three key facts about this miraculous healing.

  • The Restriction‘A woman who had been crippled by an evil spirit. She had been bent double for eighteen years and was unable to stand up straight

For those who say there is no such thing as the devil and demons, this incident confirms the reality of demonic powers whose purpose is to steal, kill and destroy humanity, whereas the mission of Jesus is that we might have abundant life. How and why this woman ended up in this condition is not known, but Jesus revealed that the cause of it was a demon, a spirit of infirmity. One day she was able to stand up straight, the next day she was doubled over. She probably thought to herself, “I will rest for a few days and it will go,” but that was not the case and it continued for eighteen long and painful years.

What is interesting is that she continued worshipping God and attending the synagogue. She did not stay away because she had become bitter. What if she had been missing that day when Jesus came, the very day God was ready to work a miracle? The lesson here is, do not stay away even when in need, for you never know when your miracle will come. Keep coming to church praising God, for you may leave it a totally changed person!

  • The Release‘Dear woman, you are healed of your sickness!’

When Jesus saw her, He did not have the judgmental attitude so prevalent among the religious leaders of that day. They associated physical deficiencies with the result of sin. Jesus was not looking at what she had or had not done, only the fact that her miserable life was the result of a demon and He had come to destroy the work of the devil. Moved with compassion, Jesus told her in front of everyone present, “You are healed.” Then laying His hands on her, she immediately straightened up and started praising God.

‘God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him’ – Acts 10:38. Because Jesus is the same today as He was yesterday and will be tomorrow, similar miracles can take place today when we have faith. 

  • The Response

Thank God that Jesus never brought in another religion, for we read of how hard and harsh it can be. No thanking Jesus that He released this woman from years of misery. Just anger and indignation that Jesus had chosen to do it on the Sabbath, thus breaking one of their rules. Such a reaction is scarcely believable. If there was one day when a miracle should have taken place, it would have been the Sabbath, for that was when God’s people gathered together. For Christians, that day is now Sunday and we need to attend church believing that miracles can and will happen as God and His people meet together in the name of Jesus.

Jesus’ response to this outburst reveals just how much God values people and this is why Jesus came to save us. Rounding on His critics, He reminded them that even on the Sabbath they take care of their animals, so how much more is it right to take care of someone who is a daughter of Abraham! That response silenced them, if only for a short time, but the rest of the congregation sang God’s praises out loud!

What are you facing right now that is having a detrimental effect on your life? Whether it is the result of your actions, someone else’s or something that over-powered you, it matters not. God wants to set you free. Right now humbly ask Him to do for you what you or others cannot do and release you. Then see what God will do in response to such a prayer of faith.

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