The Grace of God

The Grace of God


‘Grace be with you all’ – Hebrews 13:25


Scattered throughout the Book of Hebrews are some wonderful verses concerning the grace of God. Grace is the vehicle God uses to bring His blessings to us and through us, to others.

The text states, “Grace be with you all”. Notice it does not say, “Grace is with you all”. We have to allow God’s grace to come our way. Many of the New Testament epistles start with, “Grace to you and peace..” – see Galatians 1:3, Ephesians 1:2 for example.

Grace does not give me what I deserve but gives me what God has already given. God’s grace is like a car and it’s passengers are mercy, forgiveness, new life, healing and so much more.

Today’s Teaching looks at what grace helps us to do, as seen in these verses in the Book of Hebrews.

  • Grace took Jesus to the cross‘Yes, by God’s grace, Jesus tasted death for everyone’ – 2:9 NLT

God’s grace took Jesus to many different places in order to preach, teach, bless and heal people. Then one day, that vehicle headed in the direction of the cross and there was no deviation, detour or turning back. Jesus warned His disciples, ‘If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you’ – John 15:20. Throughout the ages, countless Christians have been persecuted, even killed simply because they believed in Jesus as their personal Saviour.

  • Grace helps the heart to be strengthened‘It is good for the heart to be strengthened by grace, not by regulations aboutwhat you can eat (which do no good even for those who observe them)’ – 13:9 Voice edition

Through grace we realise the futility of religious rituals and ceremonies, which are unable to save us. Grace settles my heart that I am saved, not by what I have done, but by what He has done for me! Not hoping to be saved, but knowing I am! ‘Take heed, that no man fall away from the grace of God: let no root of bitterness spring up and trouble you’ – 12:15 GN. Galatians puts it like this, ‘You have fallen from grace’ – 5:4. This phrase is often used when a prominent person produces unacceptable behaviour, but the true biblical meaning is moving from grace and salvation by faith in Christ alone, to works, believing that what we do can earn us God’s salvation. This kind of thinking is an anathema to God. A further retrograde step is to, ‘Insult the Spirit of Grace’ – 10:29. A Christian stops relying on Christ and ends up denying Him, counting His sacrifice as nothing, a worthless act. This is an awful state to end up in, fighting the very One who was trying to save them. Fortunately, with a healthy desire to honour and worship God, Christians need never fear ending up like that.

  • Grace helps the Christian to come boldly to God and askSo let us come boldly to the very throne of God and stay there to receive his mercy and to find grace to help us in our times of need’ – 4:16 TLB

How the devil loves it when Christians think they are not worthy to ask or that God is far too busy to be disturbed and is really not interested in their needs. Nothing is further from the truth. Past sin need not prevent present help and future promises from God. Today you can come boldly to God’s throne of grace and ask for His help – to save you, heal, bless or whatever. Just as there is no limit to what God can do, so there is no limit on what we can ask for, just as long as it is in line with biblical promises and practices.

  • Grace helps the Christian to serve God‘Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us have grace, by which we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear’ – 12:28

Something better awaits the Christian after this life that is eternal and glorious. The question is, “What are we doing for God right now?”

Today’s generation is one of the most selfish there has ever been and unfortunately this attitude has permeated the church. For many it is simply what they want, not what pleases God! Jesus prayed, ‘Not My will but Yours, be done’ – Luke 22:42. He also taught us to pray, ‘Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven’ – Matthew 6:10.

When selfish Christians cannot get their way in a church, they simply uproot to find another. This kind of attitude prevents them from contributing positively, practically, prayerfully and financially to the life of the church. Instead they become a drain on its resources. The goal should be, ‘He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love.’ – Ephesians 4:16.

‘The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all’ – Romans 16:24


  1. Thanks for that Norman, may God bless you richly..

  2. May the Lord continue using you as an eye opener. This is really what we need THE GRACE. Thank you Norman. May the Lord bless you richly and continue to make you His vehicle of use!

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