Three Generations!

Three Generations!


I remember your genuine faith, for you share the faith that first filled your grandmother Lois and your mother, Eunice. And I know that same faith continues strong in you’ – 2 Timothy 1:5 NLT


With what is happening throughout the world, it’s difficult to see how much longer things can continue before Jesus Christ returns. Yet as the years pass by so quickly we must reach out to our children so they can face the future with a personal faith.

  • We cannot be born into Christianity

Christian parents do not produce Christian babies. The Bible makes it so clear that everyone is born with a sinful nature. So everyone must be born again in order to be saved. Infant baptism is neither spiritual nor logical. Parents cannot repent for their baby’s sin any more than their baby could repent for theirs! We should dedicate our children to God and then do all we can to ensure they are brought up within a true Christian influence. That will make it all the more easier for them to choose Christ as their saviour at the earliest opportunity.

  • Never forget to thank God for those who influenced you for good concerning Christianity

Years after his conversion, Paul could still vividly remember what had happened on the road to Damascus. He never forgot to thank God for Ananias’ willingness to come and pray for him to receive his sight again and to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Nor did he forget Barnabas for taking him under his wing and mentoring him. Think for a moment about what your life would have been like if no one had spoken to you about Christianity. Now thank God and say a prayer for those who were responsible.

  • What are you passing on to your children?

Lois was determined that her daughter would know Jesus as her personal Saviour. That spurred on Eunice to do the same concerning Timothy, even though his father was not a believer. What will you leave your children when you die? Nothing that they can take into the next life, unless it is your faith!

Parents, it is your responsibility to influence your children with godly faith, not the responsibility of schools, churches or social services. Too many parents have told me, “I’m leaving my children to find out themselves and make up their own minds about Christianity.” That is bad parenting of the first degree. It’s like leaving your children to wander over the edge of a cliff, not knowing that it is there, when all the time you do.

Faithless parents cannot pass on faith to their children, but Christian parents can and must. God will hold them accountable if they do not. I cannot save my children, only Jesus can, but I can give them every encouragement to be saved. If you have previously professed a faith in Christ but have turned away like the prodigal did, why not tell God now you are sorry and then you will have something godly to pass on to your children?

We have been blessed recently hearing testimonies about children of Christian parents suddenly turning to the Lord, after years of no contact with any church. Constant prayer had been made for them during that period and suddenly there’s an answer that more than makes up for the years of anxiety. The same can happen for your children too, if you remain faithful and full of faith.

There are three Bible promises in particular Christian parents can be encouraged by and remind God of concerning their children.

‘Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household’ – Acts 16:31

‘Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it’ – Proverbs 22:6

‘But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord’ – Joshua 24:15

Stand firm on these promises and see God’s faithfulness throughout all your generations!

1 Comment

  1. Thank you Norman for your messages,please could you send them to my email address.thank you and God bless you.Dolores.

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