Your Name!

Your Name!


‘And his mother called his name Jabez’ – 1 Chronicles 4:9


Do you like your name? You didn’t choose it. Many don’t like theirs and even change it by deed poll. Others prefer to be called by a nick-name. I was the only one of my brothers to be given my father’s name – Wilfred!

Today’s Teaching is about a man called Jabez. He certainly didn’t like being called that or the implications of his name. This unusual story is tucked away in the genealogies of Chronicles. There is no mention of the names of his father, mother or brothers. Jabez is a wonderful example of how to react correctly to what you don’t like.

  • His birth was supposed to be a blessing but his mother turned it into a curse

She called him Jabez, ‘Because I bore him in pain.’ Was it due to a difficult pregnancy or birth, or unwanted as there is now an extra mouth to feed? We don’t know. Jesus taught that although birthing a child is painful, it’s quickly forgotten for the joy of a child being added to the family. 1 But she named him Jabez – meaning “he will cause pain.” Not past tense but future. Every time his name was mentioned, the reminder of the one who will cause pain. The Bible says, ‘Children are a gift from the Lord.’ 2 What are you speaking about your children? What negative words have been spoken about you? “You’ll never amount to anything; you’re worthless, unwanted and unloved.” Words like these have damaged countless lives. So how did Jabez cope with life?

  • He decided to live right in spite of his family‘was more honourable than his brothers’

We’re not born more honourable, we have to become it. We don’t know whether he was the oldest, youngest or inbetween, but he made the decision to be a son who would make his mother proud. Not kicking or screaming because of rejection. Every put down became a stepping-stone to greater heights and success. We don’t become what people tell us we are, we become what we believe we are. He could have sunk into depression, but he chose to rise up it.

  • He decided to bring God into the situation – ‘Jabez called on the God of Israel’

Even a lost cause can turn around when God is brought in. Jabez knew what it was like in his own house, so he called on God’s house to see what it was like there. Then he decided to pray saying, ‘Lord make my life the way I believe you want it to be.’ He asked God for 5 specific things.

  • Blessing‘Oh that You would bless me indeed’

God never has a problem blessing those who call upon His name. Ruth found that out when she accompanied Naomi’s return to Bethlehem. 3 Christians are blessed with all spiritual blessing in Christ Jesus. 4

  • Enlargement ‘and enlarge my territory (borders)’

Extend and increase my possessions and influence. Sounds like a prosperity prayer which many Christians have a problem with, but God didn’t have any problem with him praying like that. 5

  • God’s presence‘That your hand would be with me’

Jabez didn’t just want the blessing, he wanted the Bless-er. He was saying, “Lord I want your ways, your wisdom and You!” Like Moses, he said, “Lord I want you to come with me and if you’re not coming, then I’m not going.” 6

  • Protection‘That You would keep me from evil’

Very similar to the Lord’s Prayer. 7 Evil may have got hold of my mother and brothers, but I don’t want it to get hold of me.

  • To be a blessing‘That I may not cause pain’

My mother said I would, but I don’t want to and I’m not going to. I’m going to be a blessing not a curse. Build people up, not pull them down. I’m going to increase not decrease, strengthen not weaken. I’m going to enjoy prosperity not poverty.

  • His prayer was answered in a spectacular way‘So God granted what he requested’

What if he hadn’t brought God into his life? What if he had only asked for a little? Thank God he had faith to pray a big prayer that reflected God’s ability to answer. He wants to show Himself strong on your behalf too. 8

What about you? Don’t keep telling people your sad story to invoke pity and attention. Tell God and ask Him to intervene on your behalf, make you stronger and give you a better future. God has turned many a sad beginning into a much happier ending!

Finally, remember if you are a Christian, your name has been written into The Book of Life. 9 This gives you the guarantee of heaven and eternal life.

For those who’ve had a difficult upbringing and life because of the name they were given and for the negative words spoken to them, pray this prayer of release.

“Heavenly Father,

I choose today to forgive everyone who has hurt me through negative words and actions. I am sorry for the things I have said and done that have upset You. I thank You that I can call on You for help. Come into my life and change it for the better. I ask this in Jesus’ name.”



1 – John 16:21             2 – Psalm 127:3 (NLT)           3 – Ruth 2:11-12         4 – Ephesians 1:3

5 – Isaiah 54:2-3         6 – Exodus 33:15                    7 – Matthew 6:13        8 – 2 Chronicles 16:9

9 – Luke 10:20

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