Which Fire Will Warm You?

Which Fire Will Warm You?

Which fire will warm you?


‘Peter stood with them and warmed himself’ – John 18:18


It is amazing how something can be both a blessing and a curse. Fire can heat our homes and keep us warm, yet out of control it can burn the place down. In this study we will look at how fire changed Peter’s life and ministry.

  • The fire of denial‘They made a fire and stood there’ – John 18:18

The courtyard was filled with the mob who had arrested Jesus. John, because he was known to the High Priest, got Peter in through the gate. Yet the night’s events had shaken Peter to the core so that even a simple question, “You are not Jesus’ disciple also?” brought the first of three denials, just as Jesus had predicted. 1 In the cold night Peter edged closer to the fire, robe wrapped around his face, hoping no one else would recognise him. He wanted to see what would happen to Jesus which was commendable. He ended up denying three times that he even knew Jesus, which he thought would now be unforgivable.

Do people know you are a Christian or is your faith hidden? Watch out! Sooner or later someone is going to ask if you know Jesus.

  • The fire of rededication‘They saw a fire of coals there’ – John 21:9

Only a few days later Peter now warms himself by a fire Jesus had lit. A miraculous catch of fish and a Jesus who is risen from the dead had turned Peter’s world around. Then came three questions. “Do you love me?” Jesus asked him. 2 The significance was not lost on Peter or the other disciples. Peter was grieved the third time Jesus asked. No wild promises in response just, “Lord you know.”

When we have denied knowing Jesus and hidden our faith, we need to come to the fire of rededication and publicly state our love for our Saviour.

  • The fire of fellowship‘Did not our hearts burn within us…while He opened the scriptures.’ – Luke 24:32

Take a hot coal from the fire and it soon loses its heat. When the weather is uninviting – cold, dark, wet and windy, it’s all too easy to skip church services, home group and other church activities. “When the weather is better I’ll be there”, we tell ourselves, often unaware how quickly we are losing the fire. As Jesus taught these two disciples from the Scriptures, something was happening on the inside of them. Their faith was being re-ignited. Their energy was being renewed, so much so that they could immediately walk back to Jerusalem, such was their excitement.

This is why the Bible warns us not to cease from fellowship together and studying God’s word. 3 The Christians mentioned in the Book of Acts continued steadfastly in the apostle’s teaching, fellowship, in the breaking of bread and in prayer. 4 They were not going to let the fire go out!

  • The fire of empowerment‘Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them’ – Acts 2:3

It is not how we start, but how we finish. Jesus knew what it was like to lose most of His disciples in one go, when they got upset and offended at His teaching. 5 The goal is to finish well. Peter, having been restored to ministry now experienced the miraculous fire of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost. This Jesus-denying man, turned into a fearless preacher of the gospel, even standing before the religious authorities without a thought for his own safety. Threats, warnings, beatings and even imprisonment could not stop him. Miracles accompanied his preaching everywhere, so powerful is the name of Jesus. What had been the cause of Peter’s turn-around? His personal infilling by the Holy Spirit. He declared to the crowds that the promise of the Holy Spirit is for as many as the Lord our God will call. 6 Jesus Himself had said, ‘How much more will your Heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those that ask Him!’ 7

Christians all around the world are sensing again the truth that Jesus’ return is nearer than we realise. Don’t be warming yourself in the wrong places. Don’t be missing when you could be there.

Let the fire of God set you on fire for God!


1 – Luke 22:31-34             2 – John 21:15-17        3 – Hebrews 10:25

4 – Acts 2:42                     5 – John 6:66               6 – Acts 2:39               7 – Luke 11:13

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