Being a Friend

Being a Friend


When Jesus saw their faith, He said to the paralytic, “Son, your sins are forgiven you.” – Mark 2:5


The Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke all record the healing of the paralysed man. ¹ While most of the dialogue centres on how Jesus dealt with the paralytic, I want to focus on the four people who carried him, as we consider “Being a Friend” in Today’s Teaching. Research data proves conclusively that the vast majority (as high as 85% or more) of those who become a Christian, do so as a result of friendship evangelism. So this is the area that Christians and churches must concentrate on in order to grow. What can we learn from these four friends

There was an opportunity

Jesus returned to Capernaum, almost secretly, but word got out that He was in town and soon the house was surrounded, for the power of the Lord was present with Him to heal.²  This was their opportunity to act, believing that their friend could be healed too. When you care about someone, stirred by compassion and prayer, opportunities will arise for you to get them to someone, somewhere who can make a difference in their life. But do not miss that opportunity, for it may not arise again.

It took a lot of effort

It’s not easy to carry someone on a stretcher for a distance, even if there are four bearers. No cars or taxis, just human effort. We have to put ourselves out at times, being a friend. It cost the Good Samaritan ³ time, effort and money being neighbourly to the one who had been attacked, robbed and left for dead. When you are willing to put yourself out in order that someone may be saved, healed or helped in some other way, God will take note and honour your demonstration of true love.

There will be obstacles to overcome

Arriving at the house where Jesus was, they found it surrounded with crowds of people. Some desperate for healing, others eager to hear what Jesus preached and religious leaders ready to pick a fight with what He was saying and doing. No one was willing to give ground in order to let four people with a stretcher take their place. Would their hopes be dashed? Would their labour of love come to nothing? Suddenly one had an idea, “Get up on the roof, make a hole and let down the stretcher through the tiling.” Who wouldn’t have wanted to be there to see the surprise on the people’s faces as they broke open the roof, not least the owner of the house? But these four were determined that their friend was going to get to Jesus and nothing was going to stop them! Whatever obstacles come across your path, trying to stop your friend from being helped, don’t let them, for God will show you how to overcome them.

Their faith was rewarded

There is no record that the paralysed man had faith to be healed, but his friends did and this is what Jesus saw – their faith in action! But Jesus also saw that the paralysed man needed more than healing. He needed forgiveness and this is what He dealt with first. ‘Son, be of good cheer, your sins are forgiven you.’ The religious leaders went wild. How dare Jesus say such a thing! Only God can forgive sins. But Jesus is God the Son and to prove that He could, He told the paralytic to get up and carry his stretcher back home, which he immediately did. It wasn’t hard for the crowds to glorify God when they witnessed this amazing miracle.

Are you in need of God’s help?

Perhaps you keep turning down invitations from Christian friends to attend their church or some special service, even though they are willing to take you. It may be that because of your past, you’re thinking God can’t possibly be interested in you because of how you’ve broken God’s laws, or that your condition is beyond help. Let this miracle encourage you that there is hope, even if doctors have said there is nothing more they can do for you. Cry out to God right now, asking Him to bring someone to you to help you get your miracle too. When they do, and they will, make sure you’re willing to go. You won’t be disappointed!


1 – Matthew 9:1-8, Mark 2:1-12, Luke 5:17-26

2 – Luke 5:17

3 – Luke 10:25-37

1 Comment

  1. Friendship is a wonderful thing-To laugh with someone to share a secret also to turn to in times of need. When friendship turns away from us that is the time when Gods teachings help us to continue to show love, forgiveness and patience.I try to remember his word to heal that gap as even if for some reason I never see that person again I can send them peace and ask God through Jesus Christ our Lord to for ever keep his light over them in hope that they will return to his fold. Also if they return again to me I will continue once again to support them as their earthly friend. i have Gods forgiveness if I am sincere in admission of any wrong doing -So lets hold our hands out in friendship- So they know they can turn to us in times of need.

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