Four Key Elements For Evangelism

Four Key Elements For Evangelism


Do you not say, ‘There are still four months and then comes the harvest’? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest! And he who reaps receives wages, and gathers fruit for eternal life, that both he who sows and he who reaps may rejoice together(John 4:35-36)


John Chapter Four is full of evangelistic principles. Jesus, the Supreme evangelist, crossed national barriers to reach the woman at the well. He talked to her in such a way she forgot the reason why she had come there in the first place. Leaving her water pot, she went back to the city and testified about her encounter with the Messiah. Not only did people believe her story and go out to see Jesus, but after He stayed there for just two more days, many more ended up believing that He was Christ, the Saviour of the world!

From our text there are four key elements to incorporate if we want to be successful in evangelism.

  • Look‘Lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest’

Jesus was saying, “Do not think the harvest is future, there is a harvest to be had right now!” Do not be pre-occupied with just “you” and “yours”. Think about someone else. ‘When Jesus saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion’ (Matthew 9:36). He saw, He was moved. What is our level of compassion? This pandemic is taking its toll physically, mentally, financially and spiritually. Open your eyes and see who is in need. Right where you are could be someone you can help today.

  • Reap‘He who reaps’

We can all look but do nothing, merely being a passive bystander. Only those who reap will, ‘Receive wages’ for their labours. In the parable of the Good Samaritan1 the priest ignored the need and the Levite came over and looked but then went on too. Perhaps he could not have done everything the injured man needed, but he could have done something! We need to recognise who is ready for harvesting and then reap. Do not wait for someone else to do what God expects you to do. Jesus said, ‘I sent you to reap’ (v38).

Remember, the moment before your encounter with someone, you do not know whether you will be sowing or reaping. If you end up sowing, make sure you try to plant God’s Word, for it is only that which is able to take root and grow. If however it is time to reap, do not shy away from the challenge and let fear paralyse you. Be bold and lead them to put their trust in Jesus.

  • Gather‘Gathers fruit’

Converted people need to become disciples. For that to happen, they have to gather together. The three thousand decisions on the Day of Pentecost starting turning into three thousand disciples as they, ‘Continued steadfastly in the apostle’s doctrine, and fellowship, in the breaking of bread and in prayers’ (Acts 2:46).

When harvesting, the stalk is cut first, then gathered together into sheaves before the process of separating the wheat from the chaff takes place, which removes the stubble from the precious grain. So it is when someone becomes a Christian. First there is salvation; then as they gather together for fellowship, teaching and prayer, the process of sanctification can take place.

  • Rejoice‘That both he who sows and he who reaps may rejoice together’

During this pandemic, it is all too easy to get down and depressed with the new lockdown restrictions and the government going about it the wrong way in our eyes. But Jesus said, ‘Rejoice’ and if there is not much rejoicing in your life, is it because you are not doing much sowing or reaping? When you are successful in reaping, do not forget to acknowledge the one who did the sowing. You cannot reap without their efforts and they cannot rejoice without yours!

Finally, it is always harvest time somewhere, for somebody. For the disciples it was so unexpected but not for Jesus. He had been led by the Spirit to meet that woman at the well. When we are led by the Spirit too, we can expect something miraculous to happen. It will because for some people it is only when they see signs and wonders that they will believe (v48).

Some can believe without seeing, but others, like Thomas, need a helping hand and that is why Jesus wants to confirm the word you have spoken as true with signs, wonders, miracles and gifts of the Holy Spirit. We do not have to persuade God to do what He has promised to do. The difficulty is always with us doing what God wants us to do. During the next four weeks and beyond, we will have golden opportunities to sow and to reap. Let’s end this traumatic year with some rejoicing!


1 Luke 10:25-37

1 Comment

  1. Thank you very much for this stimulus from the Word, Norman.

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