


‘Looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith’ (Hebrews 12:2)


Elijah asked Elisha what he wanted. “A double portion” was his reply.1 Elijah said, “If you see me when I go you will have it”. From that moment, Elisha never let Elijah out of his sight, and as a result received that double portion.

Hundreds of years later, the disciples were staring up at Jesus as He ascended into heaven.2 Two angels suddenly appeared and asked, ‘Why are you gazing up into heaven?’ I wonder if those disciples were thinking of Elisha. Jesus had promised them power from on high through the baptism of the Holy Spirit and that they would go on to even do greater works than Jesus did.3 So they kept looking expecting to receive, and they did just ten days later!4

  • Direction

What direction are you looking in, Godward or man-ward? ‘I look up to the mountains;
does my strength come from mountains? No, my strength comes from God, who made heaven, and earth, and mountains’
(Psalm 121:1-2 MSG).

What is your need? What are you wanting help for? Who do you believe will be the source of supply? Is it the doctor, banker, employer or God? The Bible says, Look and live’ (Numbers 21:8). Let all the world look to me for salvation! For I am God; there is no other’ (Isaiah 45:22 NLT). Out text says, Looking unto Jesus’.

Reading this teaching, perhaps you have never looked to Jesus. You cannot look at Him on the cross now, nor at His dead body in a tomb. He is risen and ascended. No wonder the Bible says, ‘They looked to Him and were radiant’ (Psalm 34:5), ‘Christ was once offered to take away the sins of many, and unto them that look for him, shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation’ (Hebrews 9:28 GNV).

Is it time to change the direction you are looking in?

  • Expectation

‘The Lord upholds all who fall, and raises up all who are bowed down. The eyes of all look expectantly to You’ (Psalm 145:14-15).

Peter and John met a beggar sitting outside the temple.5 In response to his request for money, Peter replied, ‘Look at us’. Immediately he gave them his full attention and they gave him his healing. What an exchange! From disability to wholeness in a moment! How is it possible to receive so much in such a short time? Jesus!

The man accompanied them into the temple, walking, leaping and praising God. He held on to Peter and John so everyone would know who was responsible for his miracle. He wanted to be in God’s house. After all, who would not want to be part of a church that experienced such amazing miracles!

  • Declaration‘Looking unto Jesus the Author’

If Jesus is the Author, what has He said and written. He is called “The Word of God”.6 He spoke words of life.7 Jesus is the Author or Originator. The Word (Bible) has living seed that produces eternal life in the believer.

Continue to read His word and remind yourself of His promises, putting yourself in those verses. For example, ‘Blessed be the God and Father of my Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed me with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ’ (Ephesians 1:3).

When we say the opposite to what the Bible says, we nullify the promises of life, so that it cannot do us any good. Instead be like the Thessalonian Christians, ‘When we preached to you, you didn’t think of the words we spoke as being just our own, but you accepted what we said as the very Word of God—which, of course, it was—and it changed your lives when you believed it’ (1 Thessalonians 2:13 TLB).

  • Completion‘And finisher of our faith’

Jesus is the foundation stone, cornerstone and capstone of the church. He started it, continues to build it and will finish it, then present Himself and the Church (which is His body) to the Father.

Paul reminded the Philippian Christians, ‘I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns’ (Philippians 1:6 NLT). Thank God it is not up to us to complete the church but Jesus, and He is doing a better job than we could ever do!

When Naomi was trying to get a husband for Ruth, it happened that Boaz, a near relative, became involved.8 Having done all they could, Naomi said to Ruth, ‘Sit still’ because Boaz would not rest until he had sorted everything out. Soon she was his wife!

We are seated in heavenly places9 while Jesus completes everything on earth. Is this world out of control? No! It may be awful but a change is coming. On the cross Jesus said, ‘It is finished’ (John 19:30). In the Book of Revelation a voice cries out, ‘It is done’ (Revelation 16:17). What God set out to do through Jesus will be completed.

That will be when The Finisher has finished! Hallelujah!


1 2 Kings 2:9-10   2 Acts 1:9-11   3 John 14:12   4 Acts 2:1-4   5 Acts 3:1-11   6 John 1:1                 7 John 6:63   8 Ruth 3:18    9 Ephesians 2:6

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