Questions Jesus Asked (P3)

Questions Jesus Asked (P3)


Now so it was that after three days they found Him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the teachers, both listening to them and asking them questions’  – Luke 2:46


In this final part of “Questions Jesus asked”, we will look at three questions to do with who Jesus is and what that means to our lives. Someone wisely said, “If Jesus is not Lord of all, then He is not Lord at all!

  • Who do you say I am? – Matthew 16:15

Jesus asked the blind man He healed, ‘Do you believe in the Son of God?’ He replied, ‘Who is He, Lord that I may believe in Him?’ – John 9:35-36. Being blind, he had never seen Jesus, because his miracle of healing only happened once he had arrived at the place Jesus told him to go to, the pool of Siloam. How would he recognise Jesus once he could see? I believe that when he heard Jesus ask him this question, he recognised His voice as the One who had told him to go and wash in the pool of Siloam. That was enough for him to have faith and say, “Lord, I believe” and he worshipped Him.

When Jesus asked His disciples who people thought He was, their replies came up with various names. Then He turned the spotlight on each one of them, “But who do you say I am?” This question is so important because it has to be answered individually. Public opinion may sway you, but ultimately your eternal destiny will be determined by who you say Jesus is and how that affects your life.

Jesus was thrilled with Peter’s response, “You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God!” Even when fear caused Peter to deny ever knowing Jesus, he never gave up on that revelation in his heart. That is why only a few weeks later, on the Day of Pentecost, he was the chief preacher about a resurrected Jesus to the amazed crowds in Jerusalem. So effective was his and the other apostles’ witnessing that three thousand people became believers in Jesus as their personal saviour, were baptized in water and received the infilling of the Holy Spirit.

The question remains, “Who do you say Jesus is?” What is your reply? Is it the right response?

  • Could you not watch with Me one hour? – Matthew 26:40

In an hour of intense prayer in the garden of Gethsemane, Jesus asked His disciples to watch and pray with Him. They only did for a short while before falling asleep. Several times Jesus woke them and reminded them what they should be doing but before long they were asleep again. How did they feel after Jesus was arrested and crucified, that when He wanted their support they were too tired to give it?

Some Christians cannot find time even to go to church and worship for an hour or so. Too busy, is their excuse, even though the Bible says, ‘Seek first the kingdom of God’ – Matthew 6:33. Others find their day so crammed that reading the bible and praying is non-existent. Little wonder they have nothing to witness about as a Christian. Such are thankful no one asks them about their faith, and they do all they can to keep it under the radar so no one will ask them about it.

I challenge you to give God first place with your time and your tithe (one tenth of your income). Do it faithfully for at least one month and start seeing the difference it will make. God promises, ‘Those who honour Me I will honour’ – 1 Samuel 2:20.

  • Do you love Me? – John 21:15, 16, 17

The significance of this question was not lost on Peter when Jesus asked it three times, for three times he had denied ever knowing Jesus. Jesus asked him the first time, ‘Do you love Me more than these?’

This challenges us too. Is Jesus more important than anyone or anything? The first commandment is to love God, the second is to love our neighbour. Sooner or later the “more than” will test our love and commitment to Jesus. ‘If you love your father and mother more than you love me, you are not worthy of being mine; or if you love your son or daughter more than me, you are not worthy of being mine’ – Matthew 10:37 TLB.

Only a few months after becoming a Christian, I was given this challenge, “Choose between God and me!” It was one of the hardest choices I have ever had to make. In reality it was, “Do I love my girlfriend more than Jesus?” Would I hang on to her and give up my faith? Thank God I did the opposite. Is Jesus against love for your partner, family, job or recreation? No, just as long as we keep it in the right perspective and do not compromise on our faith. When we have a true love for Jesus, then we will have a better love for all the others.

Finally, Jesus said, ‘If you love Me, keep my commandments’ – John 14:15. It’s one thing to say it, but another to do it. The Nike motto is, “Just do it!” That will do just fine for Christianity.

If you love Jesus, Just Do It!

1 Comment

  1. In an age when we see so called ‘conversions’ without cost, systems without the spirit and programmes without the presence of the Holy Spirit, it’s refreshing to read the above from Norman.
    It was once said of my own ministry that it was old fashioned Pentecostal preaching, in other words too fundamental!
    Ok I thought , but I wouldn’t have it any other way .
    Keep the word before us Norman.

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