Something from Above!

Something from Above!


‘Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows’ (James 1:17 NIV).

It was on the second Sunday after my operation (11th June). I was unable to get to church and Jenny was out preaching. I decided to spend time with the Lord, praising and praying. As I listened to “Blessed Assurance”, the Holy Spirit quickened to me the line in the second verse, “Angels descending, bring from above, echoes of mercy, whispers of love.” Something from above, became the theme for Today’s Teaching. We will consider three main areas God can impart to us something from heaven.

1. Naturally

Throughout the forty-year wilderness wanderings, God’s people survived because of the manna, which miraculously appeared every morning, on top of the dew (Numbers 11:6-9. It was called bread from heaven (See John 6:32). All the people had to do was collect it, they didn’t work for it or earn it. It was freely given from above. Once they arrived in the promised land, the manna ceased because they could easily live off the land. It was only given while it was needed.

Jesus taught us to pray, ‘Give us this day our daily bread’ (Matthew 6:11). When our resources aren’t sufficient, it’s then we can expect divine intervention and provision, something from above.

Ruth experienced something similar while gleaning in Boaz’s fields (See Ruth 2:15-16). Unknown to her, Boaz had commanded his reapers to drop handfuls of harvested grain on the ground, so Ruth could benefit without the usual hard back-breaking work associated with gleaning.

God can bless us naturally. Many Christians can testify to a blessing coming out of nowhere. Just like Boaz, God has dropped something to bless us. It’s wonderful when that happens, especially after a hard, frustrating time. An unexpected sale, bonus, tax return or favour that arrives just at the right time. The Psalmist said, ‘I will lift up my eyes … from whence comes my help. My help comes from the Lord’ (Psalm 121:1-2).  Don’t look down, look up for something from above is on its way!

2. Mentally

Elijah was on the run, driven by fear. He had cut himself off from people including his servant and journeyed on alone. Tired and mentally exhausted, he came to a halt and wished for death to end his misery (See 1 Kings 19:1-8).

One thing to always remember: we may cut ourselves off from people but never from God – Hallelujah! David prayed, ‘Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence? … You are there! (Psalm 139:7-8).

“Angels descending, bring from above”. That’s exactly what Elijah experienced. A meal prepared by an angel, someone from above! Such was the meal’s supernatural content, Elijah travelled on another forty days and nights on the strength of it. Wow, what a transformation!

Many find it mentally difficult to cope with today’s world, especially the advertising and social media. Negative thoughts and fears pull them down day after day. Mentally exhausted, they are ready to give up.

God knows where you are and even now is preparing something or someone from heaven. It could be an angel or just a believer or even strength imparted by the Holy Spirit, for the Bible says, ‘Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might’ (Ephesians 6:10).

You don’t have to worry about missing it. God knows where you are. Why not lift your hands in anticipation of receiving something from above right now?

3. Physically

Healing can come through our body’s own recovery system, or it can be something from heaven as a gift of healing, which can come through the laying on of hands by the believer, or without any human involvement at all.

Many churches neglect to pray with the sick, particularly during services. What is the point of a church meeting together in the powerful name of Jesus, if the service does not allow Jesus to move in signs, wonders, miracles and gifts of the Holy Spirit?

Perhaps ministers are more concerned with how to handle the, “What if nothing happens” syndrome. How much better to spend time teaching faith and expectancy in the promises of God for today!

The Bible says, Elijah was as completely human as we are’ (James 5:17 TLB). He prayed and something from above happened. He was able to start and stop the three-year drought. Our answers to prayer may not be as dramatic but can still be as miraculous.

Medical science is wonderful and has extended the lives of so many, but there’s always a limit to what it can do. Remember what Jesus said, ‘The things which are impossible with men are possible with God’ (Luke 18:27).

Finally, in response to Nicodemus’ confused questions Jesus said, ‘Unless one is born again (born from above), he cannot see the kingdom of God’ (John 3:3).

Whatever good God can do for us naturally, mentally and physically pales into insignificance compared with the transformation of our spirit when we are born from above. Have you experienced that, because it is essential for entering heaven? You know who your natural parents are, but do you have a Heavenly Father? If you don’t, why not ask Jesus to be your Saviour, for then you can come to the Father through Him?

1 Comment

  1. Thanks alot Man of God am blessed to be your friend and I thank you for the words of encouragement always sent to me. Be blessed with your wife Jennie. We miss you in Uganda please come again.

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