What’s Your Excuse?

What’s Your Excuse?


‘Go away for now; when I have a convenient time I will call for you’ – Acts 24:25


Opportunities to do things come across our path every day. It’s all too easy to miss them, either deliberately or unintentionally. Sometimes we will never get that same opportunity again.

Zig Ziglar, the well-respected motivational sales speaker, often recited a poem to would-be customers hesitating over spending their money, despite wanting the product.

“The Bride, white of hair, is stooped over her cane, her footsteps uncertainly guiding.

While down the opposite aisle, with a wan, toothless smile,

The bridegroom, in wheelchair, come riding.

Now who is this elderly couple thus wed?

Well you’ll find when you’ve closely explored it,

That here is that rare, most conservative pair,

Who waited till they could afford it!”

While Zig used this example as a way to overcome sales objections regarding the cost, it will strike a chord with many people about life in general. Sometimes we wait far too long to do things we really need to do now!

The proverb says, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.” Unless we act on them, they become meaningless

The Bible records when the Apostle Paul was under house arrest.¹ Felix, the Roman Governor of that area, liked having discussions with Paul about Christianity, while secretly hoping that Paul would bribe his way to freedom. But Felix definitely felt uncomfortable and afraid when Paul talked about righteousness, self-control and the judgment to come. He would make a hasty exit saying that when it was more convenient he would contact Paul again. As far as we know, Felix never did so in the subsequent two years before being replaced as governor by Festus.

Someone once shouted at Jesus, ‘What a privilege it would be to get into the Kingdom of God!”² Jesus replied with a parable about people being invited to a great supper. When it was time for the guests to arrive, many failed to do so, making all sorts of excuses. “I’ve just bought a piece of land and need to see it” said one. “I have bought five yoke of oxen and I’m going to test them” said another. A third one said “I’ve married a wife and I can’t come!” What pathetic excuses. It was suppertime. Who looks at land or tests oxen out in the dark?  And who wouldn’t want to show off their new bride at a gala feast? When we discard God’s invitation as unimportant, we do so at our eternal peril!

Successful sales techniques can involve repeating back to clients their excuses in the hope of them realising just how ridiculous they often are.

If Jesus is worth following, He’s worth following now. The Bible says,‘Listen! This is the hour to receive God’s favour; today is the day to be saved!

Christmas time 1974, I remember walking back after lunch to where I worked. I had been a Christian for less than two years. In the town square sat a man in a wheelchair, playing carols on his piano accordion. I felt a wave of compassion for this man playing in the damp and cold, and wanted to go and pray for him to be healed. Almost as quickly I heard a voice say, “What if nothing happens?” Slowly I turned away and walked into the store where I worked. What if I had acted on that first impulse? I can’t say for sure what would have happened, but I do know that missing that opportunity is something I will regret for the rest of my life.

Right now, as you are reading this, there are things you need to act on now. Good intentions are not enough. Whether it’s to become a Christian, or maybe make a phone call, write a letter, buy or give something away. Don’t leave it too late!


¹ – Acts 24:23-27

² – Luke 14:15-24 Living Bible

³ – 2 Corinthians 6:2 Good News Bible

1 Comment

  1. this is a good package for pastoral work in Uganda

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